
Bottom here! Hey, I enjoy playing guitar and a few other instruments, reading, skateboarding California sex a few other things. Bisexual, polyamorous. Post cards to get women horny.

Marital Status: Single Body: A few extra pounds Age: 58 Hair Color: Chestnut Height: 5' 5" Name: Andy37917 City: Salinas, California

Love music, reading, (mystery, sci-fi, space opera, vampires, and a little bit of cross dressing, not like drag, like a wrap sarong a heeled boot, tall socks, and hidden unusual in California for sex underwear, lol. I am unapologetically a woman with a high sex drive. I am a full time father and ex-husband.

Marital Status: Divorced Body: Slender Age: 21 Hair Color: Auburn Height: 5' 1" Name: Bourbon3000 City: San Jose, California

I am a person with a big heart, I can be a little shy to begin with but when comfortable there's not much I won't do.

Real woman trying BDSM. Service to me will be a reward as i am looking for someone to spend some time with.

Marital Status: Separated Body: A few extra pounds Age: 57 Hair Color: Brown Height: 5' 9" Name: pinthisman69 City: Burbank, California

Enjoys- We enjoy a nice ride on the Harley, having some Beers and of course SEX! Tall, handsome, seeking occasional, casual, nsa freaky fun:P.

I would love to go out for drinks and conversation, a nice dinner, a good bottle of wine or in California for sex just stay in and watch a movie. Sex free urination. Older sissy type who loves elegant and sensual lingerie and people of all types who are into CDs and Sissies.

During a romantic evening,or sex I prefer to listen to slow jams.

Marital Status: Divorced Body: Athletic Age: 52 Hair Color: Grey Height: 5' 0" Name: KelbeeTso1987 City: Crescent Mills, California

Open to a Fwb but I'm not in a hurry to put a label on someone I am a driver and I am on call 24/7. I am looking for a female to play with.. I have a very dry sense of humour (all the good bits evaporated) but some people do find me tolerable occasionally (when I am not trying to make a joke). Let's see how we get along via talking, and the likes, and see how things go and prefer quality over quantity. Open-minded fun loving girl with lots of experience in many fields, I love dick or cock (which ever you fancy).but sometimes I can't resist a wet pussy. This white bi-woman is ready to ignite with you.

Marital Status: Married Body: Heavyset Age: 37 Hair Color: Grey Height: 5' 6" Name: Hoarceperez City: Simi Valley, California
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